Connecting Dots Bible Study

Psalms 27:4 KJV [4] One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, ...

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Wednesday Apr 22, 2020

The Servant suffered not for His own sin, since He was sinless (Heb. 4:15; 7:26), but as the substitute for sinners. The emphasis here is on Christ being the substitute recipient of God’s wrath on sinners. (2 Cor. 5:21; Gal. 1:3-4; Hebrews 10:9-10). Amen!

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020

The strength of our salvation is in Jesus Christ who is the Word of God. We find God's blessings on Israel, when they follow the teachings of the LORD. Wisdom is a gift from God. Knowledge is accumulated learning. Amen!

Thursday Apr 09, 2020

The blessing was not just of long life, but was also, a blessing of life in freedom. God will stop the Assyrians, and not let them take the Holy city or take Hezekiah. God will protect the city of Jerusalem, because it is His, and because it was David's city. Amen!

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020

Though Job was put in the fire of problems, these problems will only make him come to the top as pure gold. Job said, God knows me and knows I will come through this as Gold. Amen!

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020

Rather than trying to argue for a justifiable lie on the part of midwives seeking to protect God’s people, take it as a statement of what was true. Whether this means physical houses or whether this means God blessed them with a family, we really do not know; but whatever it was, it is a blessing abundantly from God. Amen!

Thursday Mar 19, 2020

Meekness does not mean weakness. “The meek … shall inherit the earth” refers again to those who have been humbled before God and will not only inherit the blessedness of heaven, but also will ultimately share in the kingdom of God on earth. Here, in the opening statements of the Sermon on the Mount, is the balance between the physical and spiritual promise of the kingdom. The kingdom of which Jesus preached is both “in you” and is yet “to come.” Amen!

Saturday Mar 14, 2020

This speaks of the dead bones, which take on new life in Jesus Christ. This also, is speaking of God strengthening His people Israel. Only God can give life. All who have been given this life will know He is the LORD. Amen!

Saturday Mar 14, 2020

A sparrow is worth less than many other birds. Jesus chose them because of their seemingly little value. He tells us though that the Father is concerned even with one little sparrow. Amen!

Saturday Mar 14, 2020

Ordinary Conversations With An Extraordinary Message!!!
“Great grace”: This means “favor” and carries a twofold meaning here: (1) Favor from the people and (2) Favor from God who was granting blessing. Amen!

Friday Mar 13, 2020

Abraham, the father of all who believe in Christ, was looking for a city whose maker is God. He dwelted in tents, waiting for the time he would find this city of God. Christians are just pilgrims passing through. We too are looking for the city of God (New Jerusalem). Amen!

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